To Kill The I-Phone Or Not To Kill? Google Responds With NexusOne


The new phone from Google was released as of last night and is ready to face competitor Apple and its chariot horse the I-Phone, despite its being used by some 25 million people.

Not only has the phone been released concurrently with the opening of an Internet store, Mario Queiroz, Google’s vice-president of product management said at a conference yesterday that ‘it is the next step in Android evolution. It is where the web meets the phone.’

Android was developed by Google two years ago and is an operating system to allow other companies to use its applications.

The Nexus One is on sale for $529 (£331) or with a T Mobile contract for $179 (£112) in the U.S.

It is stated that we will see who will dominated the handheld market over the next three years.

Will it be Google or Apple?

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