Asian Designers Are Like Dreams

You don’t think they exist but they do. It could also be that we were overwhelmed and ecstatic about “Rosestudio” GUO Pei High Class Fashion Show 2010. Guo Pei’s sense of design and fashion is revolutionary and even though we know the show happened sometime ago, we have to express our utmost respect and appreciation for its originality and delicate beauty. If we were artists, we would wear these to every performance.

It’s like Leonardo da Vinci was reincarnated as Guo Pei and decided to try his hand at being a designer.

The third dress is our favourite. Now we’re just thinking about how to make them for ourselves!

Feed Me LIGHT!

It doesn’t sound real, does it? However, the sea slug Elysia chlorotica is like a plant because it can photosynthesize and find energy in light to transform carbon dioxide into sugars.

CBC Radio’s Quirks & Quarks was told by Sidney Pierce of the University of South Florida that “If you shine light on these slugs, they fix carbon dioxide and make oxygen just like a plant.”

Learn something new and interesting everyday! Funny, we can’t help thinking about Dalton McGuinty and his little Windmills.

$16M Raised in Canada For Haiti Telethon

While George Clooney led the Youtube-televised Hope For Haiti marathon, Canada held Canada For Haiti along with Montreal’s Ensemble Pour Haiti. We, as well had a stream of stars come out in support of the impoverished country including Director James Cameron, Rachel McAdams, Joshua Jackson among others while featuring performances from Nelly Furtado who sang Try, Metric with Help, I’m Alive and the Tragically Hip performing Fiddler’s Green.

Altogether Canada raised a not too shabby 16 million dollars.

A Bitter Truth

Avatar is close to surpassing Titanic’s All-time Box Office record position at Number 1 and we can’t help thinking about how closely its message coincides with that of 1992’s Fern Gully. It was interesting that now 18 years later, we are plagued by the same issues of environmental abuse, overconsumption and an utter disregard for the planet and countries we live in.

Perhaps the popularity of Avatar is rooted from its exceptionally detailed 3-D imagery but as we mostly see beautiful landscapes and natural flora and fauna in the film, maybe we can also say that simultaneously, the film’s illustration of the wonderful complexity of nature allows us to realize that Earth’s natural beauty is rarely seen due to the abuse and mistreating of its resources. No one has to be an environmentalist to see the link between consumption and an increasing lack of resources.

Even if there are those who did not like Avatar, there should be an appreciation for the overall message in that on our own planet, the loss of natural beauty and increase of smog and thinning of the Ozone layer among many other environmental problems occur as a direct result of what we do or sometimes what we do not do.

Look up ways you can help. Try not to expend so much energy, carpool when you can, recycle, grow a tree, there are a multitude of ways we can save the Earth or at least try to preserve and protect it.

Irrelevance Of ‘Breaking’ News

We have drawn two conclusions. Either print news is tumbling out of circulation into a black hole at break-neck speed or journalists have nothing of substance to write about. What do you think? There were various and sundry reports about this TTC employee napping on the job but now there is public humiliation to add to an internal investigation since his picture has been making internet rounds and turned up on the front page of newspapers.  Spokesman Brad Ross for the TTC said, “On this particular matter we will conduct an inquiry internally and determine what appropriate action needs to be taken”. The TTC has also commented that if employees are tired, “they should stay at home”.

(Front page? Why would you need an internal investigation?! Where is the mystery?)

It’s obvious this man was asleep and though the TTC has gained the drole moniker TTZ Z Z, this is irrelevant as front page news. It isn’t or should not be treated as a commentary on the subway system or employees for the TTC or even this person who was unfortunate enough to have been caught on camera.

Though anyone could stay at home because “they are tired”. People choose not to because they want to advance in life, not lie about lazily letting down everyone and themselves in the end.The picture above was shot at the McCowan station at night so understandably, we can see how an employee would fall asleep. However, no, he shouldn’t have been sleeping on the job but he doesn’t deserve to be humiliated and ashamed now wherever he goes.

The silliest part of all this is the commentary from Union Rep Bob Kinnear. “It is very discouraging that the picture taker and, apparently, other customers, made no attempt to determine if there was anything wrong with this TTC employee. A simple knock on the glass might have determined if the collector was, in fact, asleep, or whether he was unconscious as a result of some medical problem. The reports that passengers were laughing at him as they passed by the booth makes this even more disturbing.”

It’s kinda obvious that 1. there is no need for an ‘internal investigation’ and 2. that he was catching some zZz’s but 3. that it happens and the TTC should calm themselves.