Sneak Peek #2 at V’s Plus-Size Issue. Is This Healthy?

The models that have been chosen for the highly anticipated issue# 63 of V look timeless in these pictures done by Karl and Co. They also have faces similar to those seen in fashion mags and wear high fashion clothes provided by major fashion labels, so in effect they look very super. While we do love this new plus-size teaser before the issue’s release on Jan 14, we can’t help but think about how much plus is healthy and how much is plus?

Skeleton is not healthy but neither is obesity so we spoke with health and medical professionals who shared that

Being heavy on top and heavy on the bottom is ok (health-wise though not for backs or knees among other joints) HOWEVER, if a woman is over 80cm in waist-size (85 for Japanese women), they risk cardiovascular disease, diabetes and are at risk for metabolic syndrome. Men should not be over 90cm (80 for Japanese men).

So, we hope that people everywhere do accept themselves for the body they have but should keep in mind that health is more important than body image (On a side note, Japanese really do have a different bone structure so the women do have that leeway though that number for men was unexpected!

(What’s up with there only being one model of colour too?)

Images courtesy of V Magazine/Solve Sundsbo and

1 Comment

  1. Marcie said,

    January 2, 2010 at 02:27

    I’ve always been a fan of fuller-figured models. There’s a great site with many images of plus-size models here:

    They’re all gorgeous.

    The site’s forum also has thought-provoking discussions about body image and the media.

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